What is PAOZ
The Poultry Association of Zambia (PAZ) was formed in 2000 and is an affiliate of the Zambia National Farmers’ Union under the specialised/commodity Association category of membership.
The Poultry Association of Zambia (PAZ) is a strategic and vital Association not only to the Association members but also more importantly to the Zambia Agricultural sector as a whole and in particular the poultry industry.
Membership of the Association is available to individuals, Associations, partnerships, companies and others, however constituted and engaged in the business of poultry farming in Zambia. The Associations’ membership is countrywide but has active established representation in over 44 districts.
Vision Statement
To enhance and support sustainable growth of the Zambian Poultry industry whilst maintaining prosperity and profitability, a disease free status and ensuring that consumers get the best value for their money.

Mission Statement
To enhance the capacity of members through measured production and productivity, improved marketing, access to technical information, lowering input costs and lobbying Government for pro-growth policies.