The Poultry Association of Zambia will be holding its 21st Annual General Meeting scheduled for the 27 th September 2024. This event will be held in the Showgrounds Lusaka Members Pavilion.Time :08:00HRS. The PAZ NATIONAL AGM draws representation from all the players in the Poultry Value Chain. It is with the above background that PAZ invites ALL PAZ registered members to attend this important industry calendar year event.
This is an elective Annual General Meeting and the following positions are up for elections as per PAZ Constitution Article 19 Sub-Section B.
1. PAZ National vice Chairperson
3. Layers subcommittee Chairperson
4. Exotic Birds Chairperson
5. Processors Chairperson
The theme for this year’s AGM is “CREATING A RESILIENT POULTRY INDUSTRY AMIDST ECONOMIC CHALLENGES”. The theme is derived from the current economic challenges facing the sector Your favorable response to this invitation will be highly appreciated.
Your presence at this AGM will help to shape the future of the Association. CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE BY sending a whats message to :0976130841 or call 0211 256354
Thanking you in advance for quick feedback.